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8:50                   Al-Anfal                  134
                                  by their religion.’ But he who sight of God are those who reject
                                  places his trust in God [knows Him and will not believe;  those
                                  that], God is Almighty and Wise. with whom you have made a
                                    50 If you could see, when the covenant, and who break their
                                  angels take the souls of those covenant on every occasion and
                                  who are bent on denying the have no fear [of God].  Should
                                  truth [at death], how they strike you encounter them in war, then
                                  their faces and backs: saying deal with them in such a manner
                                  ‘Taste the punishment of the that those that follow them
                                  Burning!   51  This  is  the should abandon their designs
                                  punishment for what your hands and may take warning.  And if
                                  committed—for, God never does you learn of treachery on the part
                                  the least wrong to His servants.’ of any people, throw their treaty
                                    Like Pharaoh’s people and back at them, so as to be on equal
                                  those that have gone before them, terms, for God does not love the
                                  they rejected God’s signs and treacherous.
                                  God seized them for their sins.  59 Let not the deniers think
                                  God is strong, and severe in that they will ever get away.
                                  punishment!  God would never They cannot frustrate [God’s
                                  withdraw a favour that He had purpose]. They have not the
                                  conferred upon a people unless power to do so.  60  Prepare any
                                  they change what is in their strength you can muster against
                                  hearts. God is all hearing and all- them, and any cavalry with which
                                  knowing.   54  Like Pharaoh’s you can overawe God’s enemy
                                  people and those who went and your own enemy as well,
                                  before them, they denied their and others besides them whom
                                  Lord’s signs: We destroyed them you do not know, but who are
                                  for their sins, and We drowned known to God. Anything you
                                  Pharaoh’s people—they were all spend in the way of God will be
                                  evil-doers.                repaid to you in full. You will not
                                    55 The worst creatures in the be wronged.  61  Then if they
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