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9:13                  Al-Tawbah                  138
                                  religion, then fight these leaders they  are  self-confessed
                                  of unbelief, so that they may unbelievers. It is they whose
                                  desist, for they have no regard works shall come to nothing and
                                  for their pledged word.  13  Will they shall abide in Hell.  Only
                                  you not fight against those who he should tend God’s houses of
                                  have broken their oaths and worship who believes in God
                                  conspired  to  banish  the and the Last Day, and is constant
                                  Messenger? They were the first in prayer, and spends in charity,
                                  to attack you. Do you fear them? and stands in awe of none but
                                  Surely God is more deserving of God: such people may hope to
                                  your fear, if you are true be among the rightly guided.
                                  believers.  Fight them: God will  19  Do you regard giving water to
                                  punish them at your hands, and pilgrims and tending the Sacred
                                  will disgrace them. He will help Mosque as being equal to the
                                  you to overcome them and heal deeds of those who believe in
                                  the hearts of the faithful;  15  He God and the Last Day and who
                                  will remove the rage from their strive in God’s path? They are
                                  hearts. God will turn in His not equal in the sight of God.
                                  mercy to whom He wills. God is God does not guide such unjust
                                  all knowing and wise.      people.  20  Those who have
                                    16 Do you [O believers] think believed and have migrated, and
                                  that you will be spared without have striven for God’s sake with
                                  God identifying which of you their possessions and persons,
                                  have struggled and did not take stand much higher in God’s
                                  anyone for friends and protectors esteem. It is they who will
                                  except God, His Messenger, and triumph;  their Lord gives them
                                  the believers? God is fully aware the good news of His mercy and
                                  of all your actions.       His pleasure and gardens of
                                    17  It is not right that the eternal bliss.  22  There they will
                                  polytheists should frequent dwell for ever. Truly there is an
                                  God’s places of worship while immense reward with God.
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