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143                   Repentance                9:66
                                  they are still denying the truth.  61 Among them are those who
                                  56  They swear by God that they vex the Prophet by saying, ‘He
                                  are believers like you; but they listens to everyone.’  Say, ‘His
                                  are not. They are afraid [to appear listening to everyone is good for
                                  in their true colours]:  57  if they you; he believes in God and puts
                                  could find a place of refuge, or his trust in the faithful, and is a
                                  a cave or any hiding-place, they mercy to those of you who
                                  would run there with frantic believe. Those who annoy God’s
                                  haste.                     Messenger shall have a painful
                                    58 Among them there are some punishment.’  62  They swear by
                                  who find fault with you God in order to please you
                                  concerning the distribution of [believers]: but it would be more
                                  alms. If a share is given to them, fitting for them to please God
                                  they are pleased, but if they and His Messenger, if they are
                                  receive nothing, they grow believers.  63 Do they not know
                                  resentful.  If only they had been that whoever opposes God and
                                  content with what God and His His Messenger shall abide
                                  Messenger had given them and forever in the fire of Hell? That
                                  had said, ‘God is sufficient for is the supreme humiliation.
                                  us. God will give us out of His  64 The hypocrites are afraid
                                  bounty, and so will His lest a chapter [of the Quran] be
                                  Messenger. To God alone do we sent down about them, telling
                                  turn with hope!’  Alms are only them what is in their hearts—
                                  for: the poor and the destitute, say, ‘Go on mocking. God will
                                  for those who collect zakat, for surely bring to light what you are
                                  conciliating people’s hearts, for dreading.’  65 If you ask them,
                                  freeing slaves, for those in debt, they will say, ‘We were only
                                  for spending for God’s cause, joking and playing with words.’
                                  and for travellers in need. It is a Say, ‘Would you make a mockery
                                  legal obligation enjoined by God. of God and of His Revelations
                                  God is all-knowing and wise.  and of His Messenger?  Make
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