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9:101                 Al-Tawbah                  148
                                  Him; He has prepared for them will His Messenger and the
                                  Gardens through which rivers believers. Soon you will be
                                  flow, where they shall dwell brought back to Him who knows
                                  forever. That is the supreme what is hidden and what is
                                  achievement.  101  Some of the manifest: then He will show you
                                  desert Arabs around you are the truth of all that you have
                                  hypocrites as are some of the done.’   106  [There are yet] others
                                  people of Madinah—they are whose cases are deferred until it
                                  obdurate in their hypocrisy. You is God’s will to judge them. He
                                  do not know them, but We know will either punish them, or turn
                                  them. We shall cause them to suffer in mercy to them; God is all
                                  doubly and then they will be knowing and wise.
                                  subjected to a great punishment.  107  Then there are those who
                                       There are others who have built a mosque to cause harm, to
                                  confessed their wrongdoing, who spread apostasy and disunity
                                  have done some good deeds and among the believers—as an
                                  some bad ones. It is likely that outpost for those who from the
                                  God will turn to them in mercy. outset warred on God and His
                                  Surely, God is most forgiving, Messenger. They swear, ‘Our
                                  merciful.  103  Take alms out of intentions were nothing but
                                  their wealth to cleanse them and good,’ but God bears witness
                                  purify them, and pray for them; that they are lying.  108  Do not set
                                  your prayer will be a comfort to foot in it. Only a house of
                                  them. God is all hearing, all worship, founded from the very
                                  knowing.  104  Do they not know first day upon piety, is worthy of
                                  that God accepts the repentance your setting foot therein. In it are
                                  of His servants and receives their men who love to be purified and
                                  alms, and that God is the God loves those who purify
                                  Forgiving, the Merciful One? themselves.  109 Who is better, he
                                  105 Say, ‘Do as you will. God who founds his building on the
                                  will watch your conduct and so fear of God and His good
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