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149                   Repentance               9:117
                                  pleasure, or he who builds on the  113  It is not proper for the
                                  brink of a crumbling precipice, Prophet and those who believe
                                  so that his house is ready to fall to  seek  forgiveness  for
                                  with him into the Fire of Hell? polytheists, even though they
                                  God does not guide the are close relatives, after it has
                                  wrongdoers:  110  the building become clear to them that they
                                  which they have built will never have earned the punishment of
                                  cease to be a source of deep Hell.  114  Abraham’s asking
                                  disquiet in their hearts, until forgiveness for his father was
                                  their hearts are cut to pieces. only because of a promise he had
                                  God is all knowing and wise.  made to him, but when it became
                                      God has bought from the clear to him, that he was God’s
                                  believers their lives and their enemy, he disassociated himself
                                  wealth in return for the Garden. from him. Surely, Abraham was
                                  They fight for the cause of God most  tender-hearted  and
                                                       a              115
                                  and they kill and are killed.  It is forbearing.   God would never
                                  a promise binding on Him in the lead a people astray after He has
                                  Torah, the Gospel and the Quran, guided them and until He has
                                  and who is truer to his promise made clear to them what they
                                  than God? Rejoice then in the  should guard against. God has
                                  bargain you have made. That is knowledge of all things;
                                  the supreme achievement.   116 surely to God belongs the
                                  112  [The believers are] those who  kingdom of the heavens and of
                                  turn to God in repentance; who  the earth. He gives life and death.
                                  worship and praise Him; who go  You have none besides God to
                                  about in the land serving His  protect or help you.
                                  cause, who bow down, who     117 God turned in mercy to the
                                  prostrate themselves, who enjoin  Prophet, and the emigrants and
                                  good and forbid evil, and who
                                  observe the limits set by God.  a  See pages xiv to xvii of the
                                  Give good news to the believers!  Introduction.
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