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P. 179
10:22 Yunus 154
has afflicted them, they forthwith on its finest appearance, and
turn to devising false arguments looks beautiful, and its people
against Our signs. Say, God is think they have it under their
swifter in His devising! Our angels control, then by day or by night,
are recording your intrigues. Our command comes to it and
It is God who enables you to We convert it into a field of
travel on land and sea. And when stubble, as if nothing had existed
you are sailing on ships and there the day before. Thus We
rejoicing in the favourable wind, make plain Our revelations for
a storm arrives, and the waves those who reflect.
surge upon those on board from 25 God calls man to the home
every side and they think they of peace and He guides whom
are encompassed, then they make He wills to a straight path.
a fervent appeal to God, saying 26 Those who do good works
in all sincerity, If You deliver us shall have a good reward and
from this, we will surely be of more besides. No darkness and
the thankful. 23 But when He no ignominy shall cover their
has delivered them, they begin, faces. They are destined for
wrongfully to commit excesses Paradise wherein they shall dwell
in the land. O you men, your forever. But as for those who
excesses only affect your own have done evil deeds, the
selves. Have the enjoyment of recompense shall be in
the present life. Then to Us you proportion. They will have none
shall return; and We will inform to defend them against God.
you of all that you have done. Ignominy shall cover them, as
The life of the world is like though their faces were veiled
the water which We send down by the nights own darkness. It is
from the sky, and which is they who are destined for the
absorbed by the plants of the fire, where they will live forever.
earth, from which men and cattle 28 On the Day when We gather
eat. But when the earth has taken them all together, We shall say to