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159 Jonah 10:87
clear proofs. But they would not nothing. Truly, God does not
believe in the truth, because they support the work of mischief-
had rejected it before. Thus We makers; 82 God establishes the
seal up the hearts of the truth by His words, however
transgressors. much the sinners may dislike it.
75 83
Then We sent forth Moses But none save a few youths
and Aaron with Our signs to declared their faith in Moses,
Pharaoh and his nobles, but they [while others held back] for fear
behaved arrogantly, for they were that Pharaoh and his nobles
wicked people. When the truth would persecute them. Pharaoh
came to them from Us, they said, was high and mighty in the land.
This is plain sorcery. Moses And one who transgressed all
replied, Do you speak thus of bounds. 84 Moses said, O my
the truth after it has been brought people; if you believe in God,
to you? Can this be sorcery? [and] if you have surrendered
Sorcerers never prosper. They yourselves to Him, then in Him
said, Have you come to turn us alone put your trust. 85 They
away from what we found our said, In God we put our trust.
forefathers following, so that the Our Lord, make us not a trial
two of you might become [the subject of persecution] for
supreme in this land? We will the oppressors. And deliver us
never believe in you. by Your mercy from the people
79 Then Pharaoh said, Bring who deny the truth.
me every skilled magician! 87 We revealed [Our will] to
When the magicians came, Moses and his brother, saying,
Moses said to them, Cast down Set aside for your people some
whatever you are going to cast houses in the city and turn them
down. 81 And when they had into places of worship, and be
done so, Moses said, What you constant in prayer! And give [O
have wrought is mere sorcery. Moses] the good news to the
Surely, God will bring it to believers.