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P. 189
11:21 Hud 164
frustrate God on earth, nor have the lowliest of us, those of
they any protectors besides God. immature judgement. We see no
They will be subjected to double superior merit in you; in fact we
punishment, for they could believe you are a liar.
neither hear nor see. It is such 28 He said, O my people, tell
as these who have ruined their me: if I have clear evidence from
souls, and that which they my Lord and He has favoured
fabricated shall fail them. 22 In me with grace from Himself,
the Hereafter, it is they who shall which you have been unable to
be the greatest losers. recognize, can we force it on you
23 Those who have believed against your will? 29 O my
and done good deeds and people, I do not ask you for any
humbled themselves before their money for this; my reward comes
Lord are destined for Paradise, only from God. I will not drive
and they will live in it forever. away those who believe; they
These two groups are like the shall surely meet their Lord. Yet
blind and the deaf as compared I see that you are a people who
with those who can see and hear. act out of ignorance. 30 My
Can the two be equal? Will you people, who would support me
not then understand? a against God if I were to drive
25 We sent Noah to his people. them off ? Will you not take
He said, I have come to you heed? I do not say to you that
with a clear warning: worship I possess Gods treasures, or that
none but God. I fear lest
punishment befall you on a a Faith, humility and righteous
woeful Day. 27 The leaders of deedsall three are different aspects
his people, who refused to of the same reality. Faith is the
conscious discovery of God and His
acknowledge the truth, said, We
perfect attributes. Humility is the state
regard you only as a human
of the heart which necessarily develops
being like ourselves. We do not in man as a result of the discovery
see that anyone follows you but of God.