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161 Jonah 10:109
would have benefited them. Once those whom you worship instead
they believed, We lifted the of God, but rather I worship God
torment of shame from them who will cause you to die, for I
during their worldly life and let am commanded to be one of the
them enjoy Our provision for a believers. 105 And set your face
while. towards the [true] faith in all
Had your Lord pleased, all uprightness, and do not be one
the people on earth would have of those who ascribe partners to
believed in Him, without God; 106 and do not invoke
exception. So will you compel besides God what can neither
people to become believers? help nor harm you. If you do,
100 No soul can believe except by you will be one of the
the will of God. He will place wrongdoers. 107 If God inflicts
the filth [of doubt] upon those harm on you, no one can remove
who do not use their reason. it but He, and if He intends good
Say, Look at whatever for you, no one can withhold His
[exists] in heavens and on earth. bounty; He grants His bounty to
But signs and warnings do not any of His servants whom He
benefit the unbelievers. 102 What will. He is the Most Forgiving,
can they be waiting for but the and the Most Merciful.
punishment that came to those 108 Say, Mankind, Truth has
before them? Say, So wait; I am come to you from your Lord!
one of those waiting with you. Anyone who accepts guidance is
Then We shall save Our guided only for his own sake;
messengers and those who and he who goes astray does so
believe. Thus We have made it at his own peril. I am not
incumbent upon Ourself to save appointed as your keeper.
the believers. 109 Follow what is revealed to
104 Say, O people, if you are you, [O Prophet], and be steadfast
in doubt concerning my religion, until God gives His judgement.
then [know that] I do not worship He is the Best of Judges.