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P. 183
10:65 Yunus 158
life and in the Hereafter: the Us they shall return. Then We
Word of God shall never change. shall make them taste a severe
That is the supreme triumph. punishment, because of their
65 Do not let their words grieve denial of truth.
you. Surely, all might and glory 71 Tell them the story of Noah.
belongs to God alone; He is the He said to his people, My
all-hearing, the all-knowing. people, if my presence among
66 Surely, all who are in the you and my preaching to you of
heavens and on the earth belong Gods revelations offends you,
to Him. What do those follow, know that I put my trust in God,
who appeal to associates instead so agree on your course of action,
of to God? They merely follow along with your partner-gods,
conjecture and they are only and let no hesitation deflect you
guessing. 67 It is He who has from it, then put it into effect
made the night dark for you so against me, and give me no
that you may rest in it, and the respite. If you turn away from
day a source of light. Surely, me, remember I demand no
there are signs in this for a recompense from you. Only God
people who listen. will reward me and I have been
68 They say, God has begotten commanded to submit
a son. Glory be to Him. He is the completely to Him. Then they
Self-Sufficient One; everything rejected him; then We delivered
in the heavens and on the earth him and those with him in the
belongs to Him. Do you have Ark, and We made them
any authority for this? Would successors; while We drowned
you ascribe to God something the others who belied Our signs.
which you do not know? Say, Observe then the fate of those
Those who invent falsehoods who had been forewarned.
about God shall not prosper. 74 After him We sent other
70 Their portion is short-lived messengers to their respective
enjoyment in this world; but to peoples, and they brought them