Page 187 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 187

                                                  11.  HUD    (HUD)

                                      In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

                                    Alif Lam Ra              He knows their innermost
                                                             thoughts.  There is not a living
                                  [This is] a Book, with verses  creature on the earth but it is for
                                  which are fundamental [in  God to provide its sustenance.
                                  nature], and then expounded in  He knows its dwelling and its
                                  detail by One who is all wise and  [final] resting place. All this is
                                  all aware.  [It teaches] that you  recorded in a clear book.
                                  should worship none but God. I  7  Enthroned above the waters,
                                  am sent to you from Him to warn  it was He who created the
                                  you and to give you good tidings.  heavens and the earth in six
                                  3  Seek forgiveness from your  Days [periods], in order to test
                                  Lord; then turn towards Him [in  which of you is best in conduct.
                                  repentance]. He will make  If you say, ‘You will [all] be
                                  generous provision for you for  raised up after death,’ those who
                                  an appointed term and will  deny the truth will say, ‘This is
                                  bestow His grace on all who  just sheer sorcery!’  If We defer
                                  merit it! But if you turn away, their punishment till an appointed
                                  then I fear for you the torment of time, they ask, ‘What is holding
                                  a dreadful Day:  4  to God you it back?’ On the Day when it
                                  shall all return; and He has power overtakes them, there will be
                                  over all things.           nothing to avert it from them;
                                    5  See  how  they  cover and what they used to mock at
                                  themselves up to hide [their shall encompass them.
                                  thoughts] from Him. But when  9  When We bestow upon man
                                  they cover themselves up with a measure of Our grace and then
                                  their garments, He knows what take it away from him, he yields
                                  they hide and what they reveal. to  despair  and  becomes
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