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P. 192
167 Hud 11:62
fabricate lies. 51 I ask of you conveyed to you the message
nothing in return for this with which I was sent. My Lord
[Message]. My recompense is will make another people your
with Him who has created me. successors and you cannot harm
Why do you not use your reason? Him in the least. For my Lord is
My people, seek forgiveness guardian over all things. When
of your Lord and turn to Him in Our command came, We
repentance. He will send from delivered Hud and those who
the sky abundant rain upon you; believed with him by Our special
He will add strength to your mercy. We saved them from a
strength. Do not turn away from severe punishment. Such were
Him as evil-doers.
53 They replied, Hud, you have the Ad who denied the signs of
not brought us any clear evidence their Lord and disobeyed His
messengers and followed the
and we shall not forsake our
deities merely at your behest, bidding of every headstrong
nor will we believe in you. We enemy of truth. They were
can only say that some of our pursued by a curse in this world
gods have stricken you with evil. as they will be on the Day of
He said, I call God to witness, Resurrection. Indeed, the Ad
and you also bear witness, that I denied their Lord. So away with
disown those which you the Ad, the people of Hud!
associate [with God], 55 instead To the Thamud We sent their
of Him. So scheme against me, brother Salih. He said, My
all of you together, and then people, worship God! You have
grant me no respite. I have put no god but Him. It was He who
my trust in God, my Lord and brought you into being from the
your Lord. For there is no living earth and settled you upon it and
creature which He does not hold so ask His forgiveness. Turn to
by its forelock. My Lord is on Him in repentance. My Lord is
the straight path. near and responsive. 62 They
If you turn away, I have said, O Salih! We had great