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11:63                   Hud                      168
                                  hopes in you. Do you forbid us dwelt there. The Thamud denied
                                  to worship what our fathers their Lord; cursed are the tribe of
                                  worshipped? We are in grave Thamud.
                                  doubt, amounting to suspicion,  69  Our messengers came to
                                  concerning that to which you Abraham with good news and
                                  call us.’  He said, ‘O my people, greeted him with, ‘Peace.’ He
                                  tell me: if I have clear evidence too said, ‘Peace be on you,’ and
                                  from my Lord, and He has hastened to bring a roasted calf.
                                  granted His mercy, who then  70  But when he saw that they

                                  will support me against God, if made no move to eat, he found
                                  I disobey Him? You would only this strange and became afraid
                                  make my loss greater.      of them. They said, ‘Do not be
                                    64 My people! This she-camel afraid, for we have been sent to
                                  of God is a sign for you. So leave the people of Lot.’  71  His wife,
                                  her alone to graze on God’s who was standing nearby,
                                  earth. And do her no harm, lest laughed when We gave her the
                                  you should be instantly afflicted good news of Isaac, and after
                                  with a torment.’  65  But they Isaac, Jacob.  She said, ‘Alas!
                                  hamstrung her. He [Salih] said, Shall I bear a child in this old
                                  ‘Enjoy yourselves in your homes age, while my husband here is
                                  for three more days. This warning also old? This is indeed a strange
                                  will not prove false.’  66  Then thing!’  73  They said, ‘Are you
                                  when Our command came by astonished at God’s command?
                                  Our grace, We saved Salih and May the mercy of God and His
                                  those who believed along with blessings be upon you, O people
                                  him from the disgrace of that of this house. Surely, He is
                                  day. Surely, your Lord is powerful praiseworthy and glorious.’
                                  and mighty.  67  The wrongdoers  74  When the fear had left
                                  were overtaken by a dreadful Abraham, and the glad tidings
                                  blast and they lay dead in their had been conveyed to him, he
                                  homes,  68 as if they had never began to plead with Us for Lot’s
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