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                                               12.  JOSEPH     (YUSUF)

                                      In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

                                  1 Alif Lam Ra              measure upon your forefathers,
                                                             Abraham and Isaac. Truly, your
                                  These are verses from the clear Sustainer is all-knowing and wise!’
                                  Book.  We have sent down the  7  Surely, in Joseph and his
                                  Quran in Arabic, so that you may brothers there are signs for the
                                  understand.  We recount to you inquirers.  8 They said [to each
                                  the best of narratives in revealing other], ‘Surely Joseph and his
                                  this Quran to you, even though brother [Benjamin] are dearer to
                                  you were unaware of it before it our father than ourselves,
                                  came.                      although we are a band. Truly,
                                     When Joseph told his father, our father is clearly mistaken.
                                  ‘My father, I dreamt of eleven  9 Therefore, let us put Joseph to
                                  stars, and the sun and moon: I death or cast him away to some
                                  saw them prostrate themselves [far-off] land, so that our father’s
                                  before me,’  5 he replied, ‘My attention should turn only to us,
                                  son, do not relate your dream to and you can thereafter become a
                                  your brothers, lest they plot evil righteous people.’  One of them
                                  against you—Satan is the sworn said, ‘Do not kill Joseph, but if
                                  enemy of man.  6  You shall be you must do something, cast him
                                  chosen by your Lord and He into the bottom of a well; some
                                  will impart to you some of the travellers will pick him up.’
                                  understanding of the inner   11  They said to their father,
                                  meaning of events. He will ‘Why do you not trust us with
                                  bestow the full measure of His Joseph? We are indeed his well-
                                  blessings upon you and upon the wishers.  12  Send him with us
                                  House of Jacob—even as He tomorrow, so that he may play
                                  formerly bestowed it in full and enjoy himself. We will look
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