Page 203 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 203

12:54                   Yusuf                    178
                                    54  The king said, ‘Bring him to grain from me, nor shall you
                                  me. I will take him for my special ever approach me again.’  They
                                  service.’  And when he had replied, ‘We shall try to persuade
                                  spoken to him, he said, ‘From his father to send him with us.
                                  now on you will dwell with us, We shall do [our utmost]!’
                                  honoured and trusted.’  Joseph  62  Joseph said to his servants,
                                  said, ‘Place in my charge the ‘Put their money back into their
                                  storehouses of the land; for I am saddlebags, so that they will
                                  a good and knowledgeable recognize it when they return
                                  custodian.’  56  Thus We caused home to their family; thus they
                                  Joseph to be established in a may come back.’  63  When they
                                  position of authority in the land. returned to their father, they said,
                                  He could dwell therein wherever ‘Our father, any [further]
                                  he pleased. We bestow Our mercy measure of grain has been denied
                                  on whomever We please, and We us, so send our brother
                                  do not allow the reward of the [Benjamin] along with us, so
                                  righteous to go to waste.  Yet that we may obtain our measure
                                  the reward of the hereafter is [of grain]; and, we shall guard
                                  best for those who believe and him well.’  He replied, ‘Am I to
                                  are mindful of God.        trust you with him as I once
                                    58  Joseph’s brothers arrived trusted you with his brother? But
                                  and presented themselves before God is the best of guardians, the
                                  him. He recognized them, but Most Merciful of all.’
                                  they did not know him.  When  65  When they opened their
                                  he had made provision for them, packs, they discovered that their
                                  he told them, ‘Bring me your money had been returned to them.
                                  brother on your father’s side. Do They said, ‘Our father, what more
                                  you not see that I give you full do we desire than this? This
                                  measure and that I am the best of money of ours has been returned
                                  hosts?  But if you do not bring to us, so we shall [again] buy
                                  him to me, you shall have no food for our family and we shall
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