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P. 208
183 Thunder 13:5
messengers lost all hopes and lesson for men of understanding.
thought that they had been told This [Quran] is no invented tale,
lies, Our help came to them: We but a confirmation of the
saved whoever We pleased, but previous [scripture] and a
Our punishment will not be detailed explanation of all things
averted from the guilty. as well as guidance and mercy to
111 In their stories there is a true believers.
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
1 Alif Lam Mim Ra rivers, and fruits of every kind in
male and female pairs. He drew
These are the verses of the Book. the veil of night over the day. In
What is sent down to you from all this, truly, there are signs for
your Lord is the truth, yet most people who reflect.
men do not believe in it. It was 4 On the earth are diverse
God who raised the heavens tracts, adjoining one another:
with no visible supports, and vineyards and cornfields and
then established Himself on the groves of palm, the single and
throne; He has regulated the sun the clustered. Their fruits are
and the moon, so that each will nourished by the same water; yet
pursue its course for an appointed We make the taste of some excel
time; He ordains all things and that of others. In this also are
makes plain His revelations, so signs for people who understand.
that you may be certain of 5 If anything can astonish you,
meeting your Lord; it was He you should surely be astonished
who spread out the earth and at their asking, What? When we
placed upon it mountains and become dust, shall we be created