Page 204 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 204

179                    Joseph                  12:76
                                  guard our brother, and we shall themselves before Joseph, he took
                                  obtain an additional camel-load his brother [Benjamin] aside. He
                                  of grain. This [that we bring said, ‘I am your brother, so do not
                                  now] is a small quantity.’  He feel distressed about whatever they
                                  [Jacob] said, ‘I will never send have been doing.’  And when he
                                  him with you until you give me had given them their provisions,
                                  a solemn pledge, before God, he placed a drinking-cup in his
                                  that you will indeed bring him brother’s pack. Then a crier called
                                  back to me, unless you yourselves out after them, ‘Men of the
                                  are trapped [in a compulsive caravan! You have committed
                                  situation].’  And when they had theft!’  They said, turning towards
                                  given him their solemn pledge, him, ‘What is it that you have
                                  [Jacob] said, ‘God shall be lost?’  72  ‘We miss the royal
                                  witness to all that we say.’  measuring bowl,’ he replied. ‘He
                                    67  ‘O my sons! Do not all of who brings it shall have a camel-
                                  you enter [the city] by one gate; load of corn. I pledge my word for
                                  enter by separate gates. I cannot it.’  73  They said, ‘By God, you
                                  help you in any way against [ought to] know we have not
                                  God; judgement is His alone. In come here to cause any trouble in
                                  Him I have put my trust. In Him the land. We are not thieves!’
                                  let the faithful put their trust.’  74 The Egyptians asked them, ‘And
                                  68  They entered [safely] as their if we find that you are lying, what
                                  father had told them. However, penalty shall we mete out to you?’
                                  he had no power to guard them  75  They replied, ‘The penalty
                                  against God’s decree. It was only should be that he in whose
                                  a wish in Jacob’s soul which he saddlebag it is found, should be
                                  had thus fulfilled. He was held [as bondman] to atone for the
                                  possessed of knowledge which crime. That is how we punish the
                                  We had given him. But most wrongdoers.’  76  He [the herald]
                                  people have no knowledge.  searched their bags before his
                                    69  When  they  presented brother’s and then  took out the
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