Page 202 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 202
177 Joseph 12:53
seven lean ones were eating, you stored. 49 Then a year will
also seven green ears of corn and come after that when people will
seven others which were dry. have abundant rain and when
Tell me the meaning of this once more they will press [wine
vision, my nobles, if you can and oil].
interpret visions. 44 They said, 50 The king said, Bring him to
These are confusing dreams and me. When the kings messenger
we do not know the interpretation came to Joseph, he said, Go
of such dreams. Then one of back to your master and ask him
the two men who had been about the women who cut their
released and who, after a long hands: my Lord knows well their
time, remembered, said, I shall guile. 51 The king asked the
tell you its interpretation; women, What was the truth of
therefore, give me leave to go [to the affair in which you tried to
Joseph in prison]. seduce Joseph? The women said,
O truthful Joseph! he said, God forbid! We know no evil of
Tell us the meaning of a dream him. The wife of the nobleman
in which seven fat cows are said, The truth has now come to
being eaten by seven lean ones, light. It was I who tried to seduce
and there are seven green ears of him; he is surely an honest man.
corn and seven others which are 52 From this, said Joseph,
dry, so that I may return to my [The nobleman] should know
people and inform them. that I did not betray him in his
47 Joseph said, You shall sow absence, and that God does not
for seven consecutive years as guide the plotting of the
usual, but leave in the ear the treacherous. I am not trying to
harvest that you reap, except for absolve myself: for mans very
a little which you may eat. Then soul incites him to evil unless
there will follow seven years of my Lord bestows His mercy.
great hardship which will Indeed, my Lord is forgiving and
consume all but a little of what merciful.