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P. 205
12:77 Yusuf 180
cup from his brothers bag. In took from you a pledge in Gods
this way, We devised a plan on name. You have already failed
behalf of Joseph. He could not with regard to Joseph, so I shall
have detained his brother under never leave the land until my
the Kings law, unless God so father permits me to, or God
willed. We exalt whoever We decides [things] for me. He is
please: but above those who have the best judge! Return to your
knowledge there is One all father and say, Father, your son
knowing. has committed a theft. We testify
77 They said, If he is a thief, a only to what we know. How
brother of his had [also] could we guard against the
committed theft before him. But unforeseen? 82 Inquire of [the
Joseph kept his secret and people of] the city where we
revealed nothing to them. He lodged, and of the caravan with
said [to himself], Your deed which we travelled. We are telling
was worse. God best knows the you the truth.
things you speak of. 78 They 83 Jacob said, No, but you
said, O exalted one, he has a have yourselves contrived a story.
very aged father, take one of us But it is best to be patient. God
in his place. We can see that you may well bring them all back to
are a very good man. 79 He me [in the end]. For He is indeed
replied, God forbid that we full of knowledge and wisdom.
should take anyone other than 84 And he turned away from
the person on whom we found them, crying, Alas for Joseph!
our property. In that case, we His eyes went white with grief,
would clearly be wrongdoers. and he was filled with sorrow.
80 85
When they had lost all hope They said, By God, will you
of [persuading] him, they keep on remembering Joseph
withdrew, conferring among until your health is ruined, and
themselves. The eldest said, Do you die? 86 He said I only
you not know that your father complain of my anguish and my