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12:101                  Yusuf                    182
                                  parents to a couch and they all this. It is but a reminder for all
                                  fell down on their knees before mankind.
                                  him. He said, ‘My father, this is  105  And there are many signs
                                  the interpretation of my dream. in the heavens and the earth that
                                  My Lord has made it come true! they pass by and give no heed
                                  He was kind to me when He let to— 106  and most of them, even
                                  me out of prison and brought when they profess belief in God,
                                  you from the desert after Satan attribute partners to Him.  107  Do
                                  had brought about discord they feel secure that the all-
                                  between me and my brethren. encompassing punishment of
                                  My Lord is the best planner in God will not come upon them, or
                                  achieving what He will; He is that the Last Hour will not come
                                  All Knowing, and Truly Wise.’  upon them suddenly when they
                                    101  Then Joseph prayed, ‘My least expect it?  108  Say, ‘This is
                                  Lord, You have given me power my way; on the basis of sure
                                  and taught me the interpretation knowledge, I call on you to have
                                  of dreams. Creator of the heavens faith in God, I and those who
                                  and the earth, You are my patron follow me. God is Holy; I am not
                                  in this world and the Hereafter! one of those who associate
                                  Make me die in submission to partners with God.’
                                  You and admit me among the   109  All the messengers We sent
                                  righteous.’                before you [Muhammad] were
                                    102  These are tidings of the human beings to whom We made
                                  unseen that We reveal to you, [O revelations; they were men
                                  Prophet], though you were not chosen from the people of their
                                  present with them when they towns. Did they not travel across
                                  plotted and agreed upon a plan. the earth and see the end of those
                                  103 Yet most men will not become before them? Those who are
                                  believers, no matter how eager mindful of God prefer the life to
                                  you may be.  104  You shall not come. Will you not then
                                  ask them for any reward for understand?  110  When the
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