Page 209 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 209

13:6                   Al-Ra‘d                   184
                                  anew?’ These are the ones who before him and behind him, who
                                  deny their Lord: around their watch him at God’s command.
                                  necks there shall be fetters. They God does not change the
                                  are the inheritors of the Fire, and condition of a people’s lot, unless
                                  shall abide therein forever.  they change what is in their
                                     They demand that you hasten hearts. But when God decrees
                                  on the evil rather than the good, punishment for a people, none
                                  although there have been many can ward it off. Besides Him,
                                  examples of punishment before they have no protector.
                                  them—your Lord is full of    12 It is He who shows you the
                                  forgiveness for mankind, despite lightning, inspiring fear and
                                  their wrongdoings, but He is hope, and gathers up the heavy
                                  truly severe in punishment.  clouds;  13  and the thunder
                                    7  Those who deny the truth glorifies Him with His praise
                                  ask, ‘Why has no sign been sent and the angels do so too in awe
                                  down to him by His Lord?’ But of Him, and He sends His
                                  you are only a warner; every thunderbolts to strike anyone He
                                  people has its guide.      pleases, yet they dispute about
                                     God knows what every God, who is inexorable in His
                                  female bears. He knows of every power.
                                  change within the womb. For  14 The only true appeal is to
                                  everything He has a proper God alone; those they appeal to
                                  measure; He is the knower of instead of Him will never respond
                                  the unseen and the visible, the to them in any way. They are like
                                  Great, the Most-Exalted.  10  It a man who stretches forth his
                                  makes no difference whether you hands toward the water, so that it
                                  converse in secret or aloud, may reach his mouth, but it
                                  whether you hide under the cloak never does. The calls of those
                                  of night or walk about freely in who deny the truth are all in
                                  the light of day.          vain.
                                    11 Each has guardian angels  15 All who dwell in heavens
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