Page 211 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 211
13:24 Al-Rad 186
Gardens of Eden, along with the remembrance of God hearts can
righteous from among their find comfort. 29 As for those
fathers, wives and descendants. who believe and do righteous
From every gate the angels will deedsblissful is their end.
come to them, saying, Peace 30 Thus We have sent you to a
be upon you for all that you have people, before whom other
steadfastly endured. How peoples have passed away, so
excellent is the final abode! that you may recite to them what
25 As for those who break the We have revealed to you. Yet
covenant of God, after having they deny the Gracious God.
confirmed it, who cut asunder Say, He is my Lord; there is no
what God has commanded to be god but He. In Him I put my trust
joined and spread corruption in and to Him I shall return.
the land, a curse shall be laid on 31 Even if there were a Quran
them; they shall have an evil by which mountains could be set
abode. 26 God gives abundantly in motion, by which the earth
to whom He will and sparingly could be rent asunder, or by
to whom He pleases[those who which the dead could be made to
deny the truth] rejoice in the life speak [they would not believe in
of this world; yet the life of this it]. Surely all things are subject
world is but a fleeting pleasure to Gods will. Are the faithful
compared with the life to come. unaware that, had He pleased,
Those who deny the truth God could have guided all
ask, Why has no Sign been sent mankind? Calamity shall not
down to him by his Lord? Say, cease to strike those who deny
God lets go astray those whom the truth because of their
He wills and guides to Himself misdeeds or to strike near their
those who turn to Him, those homes, until Gods promise be
who believe and whose hearts fulfilled. God will not fail to
find comfort in the remembrance keep His promise. 32 Other
of Godsurely in the messengers were also mocked