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P. 212

187                    Thunder                 13:41
                                  before you; but though I granted  36 Those to whom We sent the
                                  respite to those who denied the Scriptures rejoice in what has
                                  truth, at last I seized them, and been revealed to you, while some
                                  how awful was My punishment. factions deny parts of it. Say to
                                    33  Is then He who watches them, ‘I have been commanded
                                  over every soul and its actions only to worship God and not to
                                  [like any other]? Yet they ascribe associate partners with Him: to
                                  partners to God. Say, ‘Name Him I pray and to Him I shall
                                  them! Or do you presume to return.’  Thus We have revealed
                                  inform Him of something on the it as a [clear] commandment in
                                  earth of which He does not Arabic. If you followed their
                                  know? Or, is all this only your desires after all the knowledge
                                  verbal assertion?’ Indeed, their which has come to you, you
                                  devices seem fair to those who would have no protector or shield
                                  deny the truth, and they are kept against God.  38 We sent down
                                  back from the right path. There messengers before you and gave
                                  can be no guide for those whom them wives and children. Yet it
                                  God lets go astray.  Punishment was not possible for a messenger
                                  awaits them in the present life: to bring a sign, save by the
                                  but harsher is the punishment of command of God. Every age has
                                  the Hereafter—no one will had its revelation.  39  God
                                  defend them against God.   abrogates or confirms what He
                                    35 Such is the Paradise which pleases; with Him is the source
                                  the righteous have been of all commandments.
                                  promised: it is watered by   40 Whether We show you part
                                  running streams: eternal is its of what We have promised them
                                  fruit, and eternal is its shade. or cause you to pass away [before
                                  That is the recompense of those that], your mission is only to
                                  who are righteous, but the give warning; it is for Us to do
                                  recompense of those who deny the reckoning.  Do they not see
                                  the truth is the Fire.     how We come to [their] land and
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