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14:38                  Ibrahim                   192
                                  uncultivable valley near Your the punishment will come upon
                                  Sacred House, Lord, so that they them, and when the wrongdoers
                                  might establish their prayers. So, will say, ‘Our Lord, grant us
                                  make people’s hearts incline respite for a short while. We
                                  towards them and provide them will respond to Your call and
                                  with fruits so that they may be will follow the messengers.’
                                  grateful.                  [But God will answer], are you
                                      Lord, You have knowledge not those who swore that you
                                  of all that we hide and all that we would never suffer any decline?
                                  reveal: nothing in heaven or on  45  You lived in the dwellings of
                                  earth is hidden from God. those who wronged themselves,
                                    Praise be to God who has and it was made clear to you
                                  bestowed upon me, despite my how We had dealt with them
                                  old age, Ishmael and Isaac. Surely and We gave you many
                                  my Lord is the hearer of prayer. examples.  They hatched their
                                    Lord, grant that I may keep up plots; but these plots were all
                                  the prayer, and so may my within God’s knowledge.
                                  offspring. My Lord, accept my Though their plots were such as
                                  prayer.  Forgive me, Lord, and to shake the mountains, [God
                                  forgive my parents and all the will bring their plots to nothing.]
                                  believers on the Day of      47 Never think that God will
                                  Reckoning.’                fail in His promise to His
                                      Do not think God is unaware messengers. God is mighty and
                                  of the wrongdoers’ actions. He capable of retribution.  On the
                                  only gives them respite till the Day when the earth shall be
                                  Day on which all eyes will stare changed into another earth, as
                                  fixedly in horror.  43  They will shall be the heavens, they will all
                                  hurry on in fright, their heads appear before God, the One, the
                                  lifted up, their gaze directed Most Supreme.  49  On that Day
                                  forward, their minds utterly void. you shall see the guilty bound in
                                    44                             50
                                      Warn men of the Day when chains,   their garments shall be
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