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195                 The Rocky Tract            15:63
                                    39 He said, ‘My Lord, since  51 Tell them about Abraham’s
                                  You have let me go astray. I shall guests:  when they came to him
                                  make the path of error seem they greeted him with: ‘Peace.’
                                  alluring to them on the earth and He said,‘We feel afraid of you.’
                                  shall mislead them all,  except  53  They said, ‘Do not be afraid.
                                  for Your chosen servants.’  We come to you with good news.
                                      God said, ‘This is the path You shall have a son who shall
                                  which leads straight to Me. be  endowed  with  great
                                  42  Surely, you shall have no power knowledge.’  He said, ‘Do you
                                  over My true servants, except bring me such news despite my
                                  those misguided ones who old age? What kind of good
                                  choose to follow you.  Surely, news are you bringing me?’
                                  Hell is the place to which they  55  They said, ‘We have, indeed,
                                  are destined,  it has seven gates: given you glad tidings in truth;
                                  and each gate has a portion of do not therefore despair.’  56 He
                                  them allotted to it.       said, ‘Who but the misguided
                                      Truly, the God-fearing shall despair of the mercy of
                                  dwell amid gardens and their Lord?’
                                  fountains— “Enter therein in  57 Then he asked, ‘What then
                                  peace and security!”— 47  We is your business, O messengers?’
                                  shall cleanse their hearts of all  58  They said, ‘We have been sent
                                  traces of ill-will; they will be forth to a guilty people.’  Except
                                  like brethren seated on couches for Lot’s household, all of whom
                                  facing one another.  They will we shall rescue,  60  except his
                                  not be affected by any weariness wife. We have decreed that she
                                  there, and they will never be will be among those who remain
                                  made to leave.’  49  Tell My behind [and will be lost].
                                  servants that I alone am the  61 When the messengers came
                                  Forgiving, the Merciful One, to Lot and his family,  he said,
                                  50  and that My punishment is a ‘You are strangers [to me].’
                                  painful punishment.        63  They said, ‘No, but we bring
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