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193                 The Rocky Tract            15:15
                                  of pitch and the fire shall envelop Let  them  take  warning
                                  their faces.  51  God will requite from it and know that He
                                  each soul according to its deeds. is but one God. Let those
                                  Swift is God’s reckoning. possessed of understanding may
                                  52  This is a message for mankind. take heed.

                                      15.  THE   ROCKY      TRACT     (AL-HIJR)

                                      In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
                                  1 Alif Lam Ra              if you are truthful?’ But We
                                                             send down the angels only to
                                  These are the verses of a clear bring justice and then they will
                                  Book, the Quran. A time will not be reprieved.
                                  surely come when those who are  9  It is We who have sent down
                                  bent on denying the truth will the Reminder and We will, most
                                  wish that they had surrendered surely, safeguard it.
                                  themselves to God,  3  so leave  10 We sent messengers before
                                  them to eat and enjoy themselves you to the previous peoples,  but
                                  and let them be beguiled by vain there was never a messenger
                                  hopes; for soon they will realise who came to them but they
                                  [the truth].  4  We have never mocked him:  12  thus We cause
                                  destroyed a township without a this [habit of mocking] to enter
                                  definite decree having been into the hearts of the sinful.
                                  issued;  no people can forestall  13  They will not believe in it,
                                  their doom, nor can they delay it. though they have before them
                                     They say, ‘You to whom the the example of former peoples,
                                  Reminder [the Quran] has been  14  and even if We opened to them
                                  sent down, you are surely a door from heaven, and they
                                  possessed.  7  Why do you not began ascending through it,
                                  bring down the angels upon us,  15  they would still say, ‘Our eyes
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