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15:64                  Al-Hijr                   196
                                  you news about what they   77  surely in this there is a sign for
                                  disputed,  and we have come to those who believe.
                                  you with the truth, and surely we  78 The people of the Wood
                                  are truthful,  so leave with your were also surely wrongdoers.
                                  family some time in the latter  79  So We took vengeance on
                                  part of the night, and walk behind them. Both are still there on the
                                  them. Let none of you look back. highway, plain for all to see.
                                  Go where you are commanded.’  80  The people of al-Hijr also
                                  66  We communicated to him Our rejected Our messengers:  81  We
                                  decree that the guilty ones would gave them Our signs, but they
                                  be destroyed by the morning.  turned away from them.  They
                                    67 The people of the town came carved out dwellings in the
                                  along, revelling,  68 and he told mountains,  and  lived  in
                                  them, ‘These are my guests, so security— the blast overtook
                                  do not disgrace me.  Fear God them early one morning.  84 All
                                  and do not shame me.’  70  They that they had acquired was of no
                                  said, ‘Did we not forbid you to avail to them.
                                  extend hospitality to strangers?’  85 We have created the heavens
                                    He said, ‘Here are my and the earth and all that is
                                  daughters, if you must act in between the two in accordance
                                  this way.’                 with the requirements of truth
                                    72 By your life, they wandered and wisdom. The Hour is surely
                                  on in their wild intoxication coming. So overlook [their
                                  73  and thereupon the blast [of faults] with gracious forgiveness.
                                  Our punishment] overtook them  86  Surely your Lord is the All
                                  at sunrise.  We turned the town Knowing Creator!
                                  upside down and rained upon  87 We have given you the seven
                                  them stones of clay.  There are oft-recited verses and the great
                                  certainly signs in that for those Quran.  Do not strain your eyes
                                  who can learn a lesson— it is towards the worldly benefits We
                                  still there on the highway— have bestowed on some of them,
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