Page 222 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 222
197 Bees 16:7
nor grieve on their account. polytheists. 95 We will, surely,
Lower your wing of mercy for suffice you against those who
the believers 89 and say, I am, mock, who set up another god
indeed, a plain warner, 90 such with God, but they shall soon
as We send down for those who learn. 97 We do indeed know
are divisive, 91 and who have how your heart is distressed at
broken the Scripture into what they say. 98 But glorify
fragments by your Lord, We your Lord with His praise,
shall question them all 93 about and prostrate yourself: 99 and
whatever they had been doing! worship your Lord until
94 Proclaim openly what you what is certain [death] comes
are commanded, and avoid the to you.
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
1 The decree of God is at hand, [mere] drop of sperm: yet he
so do not seek to hasten it. Holy shows himself to be openly
is He, and exalted far above contentious! 5 He has created
what they associate with Him. cattle for you: from them you
He sends down the angels with derive food and clothing and
revelations by His command to numerous other benefits; how
whoever of His servants He pleasant they look when you
pleases, saying, Warn mankind bring them home in the evenings
that there is no god save Me, so and when you take them out to
fear Me. He created the heavens pasture in the mornings. They
and the earth for a true purpose. carry your loads to places which
He is exalted above anything you could otherwise not reach
they associate with Him. without great hardshipsurely,
4 He created man out of a your Lord is compassionate and