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15:16                  Al-Hijr                   194
                                  have been dazzled. We are who will gather them. He is all
                                  bewitched.’                wise and all knowing.
                                    16  We   have     placed   26 We created man out of dry
                                  constellations in heaven and have clay, from moulded mud,  and
                                  beautified it for beholders,  and the jinn We had created before
                                  We have guarded it from every from flaming fire.
                                  accursed devil:  but if anyone  28 Your Lord said to the angels,
                                  eavesdrops, he is pursued by a ‘I am about to bring into being a
                                  bright flaming fire.       man wrought from mud.  When
                                    19 We have spread out the earth, I have formed him and breathed
                                  and set upon it firm mountains My spirit into him, fall down in
                                  and caused everything to grow prostration before him,’  30  then
                                  in due proportion.  20  We have the angels all prostrated
                                  provided therein a means of themselves together.  But Satan
                                  livelihood for you and for all did not; he refused to join those
                                  those creatures for whom you do who prostrated themselves.
                                  not provide.               32  God asked him, ‘What is the
                                      There is not a thing but its matter with you, that you are not
                                  storehouses are with Us. But We among those who have prostrated
                                  only send down each thing in an themselves?’  He replied, ‘I am
                                  appropriate measure:  22  We let not one to prostrate myself to a
                                  loose fertilizing winds, and bring man whom You have created out
                                  water from the sky for you to of a clay of moulded mud.’
                                  drink; and you could not have  34 God said, ‘Then get out of
                                  stored it up for yourselves.  here; for you are accursed,  and
                                      Truly, it is We who bring to the curse shall be on you till the
                                  life and We who cause death and Day of Judgement!’  Satan said,
                                  We are the inheritor of all things. ‘O my Lord! Grant me respite till
                                  24                                              37
                                    We know those who lived the Day of Resurrection.’  He
                                  before you and those who will said, ‘You are granted respite
                                  come after you.  It is your Lord  38  till that Appointed Day.’
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