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P. 216
191 Abraham 14:37
yields its fruit each season with 32 It was God who created the
its Lords permissionGod heavens and the earth. He sends
makes such comparisons for down water from the sky with
people, in order that they may which He brings forth fruits for
take heed but an evil word is your sustenance; He has made
like an evil tree torn out of the ships subservient to you, so that
earth; it has no foothold. they may sail across the sea by
God will strengthen the His command; and has subjected
believers with His steadfast the rivers to you. He has also
word, both in the present life and subjected to you the sun and the
in the Hereafter. God lets the moon, both steadfastly pursuing
wrongdoers go astray. He does their courses. He has subjected
what He wills. to you the night as well as the
28 Do you not see those who, day; He has given you all that
in exchange for Gods favour, you asked of Him; and if you try
offer only ingratitude and cause to reckon up Gods favours, you
their people to descend into the will not be able to count them.
Abode of Ruin? In Hell shall Truly man is very unjust, very
they burn; an evil place to stay. ungrateful.
30 They have set up rivals to God 35 [Remember] when Abraham
to lead people away from His said, My Lord, make this a city
path. Say, Enjoy yourselves of peace and help me and my
awhile: you will then proceed to children to keep away from
the Fire. worshipping idols. 36 My Lord,
Tell My servants, those who they have led so many men
are true believers, to keep up astray! Anyone who follows me
prayer and to give alms secretly is with me, but if anyone turns
and openly out of what We have against me, You are surely
given them, before the Day forgiving and merciful.
comes when there will be neither 37 O Lord! I have settled
trading nor befriending. some of my offspring in an