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P. 215

14:15                  Ibrahim                   190
                                  settle you on the land to succeed punishment?’  They will reply,
                                  them. That is [in store] for anyone ‘Had God given us guidance, we
                                  who is in awe of meeting Me, would have guided you. It is all
                                  and who heeds My warnings.’  the same whether we are patient
                                    15  When they sought Our or impatient; there is no escape
                                  Judgement, every stubborn for us.’
                                  oppressor was frustrated.    22 When the Judgement has
                                    Beyond him is Hell, and he been passed, Satan will say to
                                  shall drink putrid water;  17  he them, ‘God made you a true
                                  will sip and will not find it easy promise; I too made you
                                  to swallow it. Death will promises, but I failed you. I had
                                  approach him from every quarter, no authority over you, except
                                  yet he will not die. More intense that I called you and you
                                  suffering will lie ahead of him. responded to me. Do not now
                                    18  The works of those who blame me, but blame yourselves!
                                  deny their Lord are like ashes I cannot help you, nor can you
                                  which the wind scatters on a help me. I reject your former  act
                                  stormy day: they shall gain in associating me with God.’
                                  nothing from what they do. To The wrongdoers will have a
                                  act thus is to stray far into error. painful punishment.
                                  19  Do you not see that God has  23  But those who believed and
                                  created the heavens and the earth did good deeds will be brought
                                  for a purpose? He can eliminate into Gardens with rivers flowing
                                  you if He wills and bring into through them. They shall abide
                                  being a new creation:  20  that is there forever by their Lord’s
                                  no difficult thing for God.  permission, and will be welcomed
                                      They shall all appear before with the greeting, ‘Peace’!
                                  God and the weak will say to  24 Do you not see how God
                                  those who behaved proudly, ‘We compares a good word to a good
                                  were your followers. Can you tree? Its root is firm and its
                                  protect  us  from   God’s branches are in the sky,  25  it
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