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185                    Thunder                 13:23
                                  and on the earth submit to God rewards for those who respond
                                  alone, willingly or unwillingly, to their Lord: while those who
                                  as do their shadows in the do not respond to Him—if they
                                  mornings and in the evenings. possessed all that is on earth and
                                  16  Say, ‘Who is Lord of the twice as much, they would surely
                                  heavens and the earth?’  Say, offer it as ransom [on the Day of
                                  ‘God.’  Say, ‘Why do you take Judgement];—will have the
                                  protectors other than Him, who worst reckoning and their goal is
                                  can neither benefit nor harm Hell: and how evil a resting-
                                  even themselves?’ Say, ‘Are the place!
                                  blind and the seeing equal? Is  19 Can one who knows that
                                  darkness equal to the light? Or whatever has been sent down to
                                  have they assigned partners to you from your Lord is the Truth,
                                  God who create as He creates, so be equal to one who is blind? It
                                  that both creations appear to is only those who are endowed
                                  them alike?’  Say, ‘God is the with insight who pay heed;  they
                                  Creator of all things. He is the who are true to their bond with
                                  One, the Almighty.’        God and never break their
                                    17                               21
                                      He sends down water from covenant;  and those who join
                                  the sky that fills riverbeds to together  what  God  has
                                  overflowing, each according to commanded to be joined, and
                                  its measure. The torrent carries fear their Lord and dread the
                                  along swelling foam, akin to harshness of the reckoning;
                                  what rises from smelted ore from  22  those who are steadfast in
                                  which man makes ornaments and seeking the favour of their Lord,
                                  tools. God thus depicts truth and and pray regularly and spend
                                  falsehood. The scum is cast away, secretly and openly out of what
                                  but whatever is of use to man We have provided them with,
                                  remains behind. God thus speaks and ward off evil with good.
                                  in parables.               Theirs shall be the final abode.
                                    18 There will be the best of  23  They shall enter the eternal
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