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13:42                  Al-Ra‘d                   188
                                  shrink  its  borders?  God shall soon know for whom is the
                                  decides—no one can reverse His final abode.
                                  decision—and He is swift in  43 Those who deny the truth
                                  reckoning.  Those before them say, ‘You are not God’s
                                  did also devise plots; but in all messenger.’  Say, ‘Sufficient is
                                  things the master planning is God as my witness between me
                                  God’s. He knows what each soul and you, and those who have
                                  does. Those who deny the truth knowledge of the Book.’

                                            14.  ABRAHAM       (IBRAHIM)

                                      In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

                                  1                            4
                                    Alif Lam Ra                 Each messenger We have sent
                                                             has spoken in the language of his
                                  We have revealed to you this own people, so that he might
                                  Book so that, by their Lord’s make the message clear to them.
                                  command, you may lead men But God lets go astray whom He
                                  from darkness to the light: to the will and guides whom He
                                  path of the Mighty, the pleases. He is the Almighty, the
                                  Praiseworthy One,  to God, who All Wise.
                                  possesses whatever is in the  5  We sent Moses with Our
                                  heavens and whatever is on earth. signs, saying, ‘Lead your people
                                  Woe to those who deny the truth, out of the darkness into the light,
                                  for they shall be sternly punished! and remind them of God’s Days.
                                    Woe to those who love this life In that there are signs for every
                                  more than the Hereafter; who patient, grateful person.’
                                  turn others away from the path  6  Moses said to his people,
                                  of God and seek to make it ‘Remember God’s goodness to
                                  crooked. They have gone far astray. you when He delivered you from
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