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P. 214
189 Abraham 14:14
Pharaohs people who were Originator of the heavens and
treating you cruelly, putting your earth? He calls you to Him in
sons to death and sparing only order to forgive you some of
your daughters. Surely that was your offences and to reprieve
a great trial from your Lord. you for a specific period. They
Remember also the time when said, You are only human beings
your Lord declared, If you are like ourselves! You want to divert
grateful, I will surely bestow us from what our forefathers
more favours on you; but if you have been worshipping, so bring
are ungrateful, then know that us some clear authority.
My punishment is severe 11 Their messengers replied,
indeed. Moses said, Even if We are indeed mortals like
you should deny the truth, yourselves. But God bestows His
and all who dwell on earth grace on such of His servants as
together, God is self-sufficient, He chooses. We cannot give you
praiseworthy. miracles, except by Gods leave.
Has not news come to you In God let true believers put
concerning those who preceded their trust and why should
you, such as Noahs people, and we not put our trust in God when
the Ad and Thamud, as well as He has already guided us to our
those who came after them? Only paths? We will, surely, bear with
God knows who they were. The patience all the harm you do us.
messengers came to them with So in God let those who trust put
clear signs, but they put their their trust.
hands to their mouths saying, 13 Those who deny the truth
We deny the message you have said to their messengers, We
been sent with. We have grave shall banish you from our land
doubts about what you are unless you return to our ways.
inviting us to do. But their Lord inspired the
10 Their messengers said, Is messengers, saying, We shall
there any doubt about God, the destroy the evil-doers, 14 and