Page 206 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 206
181 Joseph 12:100
sorrow to God. God has made you this day; may God forgive
known to me things that you do you! And He is the Most Merciful
not know. 87 Go, my sons, and of those who show mercy. Go
seek news of Joseph and his with this shirt of mine and cast it
brother. Do not despair of Gods upon my fathers face. He will
mercy; none but those who deny recover his sight; thereupon come
the truth despair of Gods mercy. [back] to me with all your family.
88 94
When his brothers presented When the caravan set out
themselves before Joseph, they from Egypt, their father [in
pleaded, Exalted one, distress Canaan] said, You may think I
has afflicted us and our family am senile, but I certainly perceive
and we have brought only a the breath of Joseph. 95 They
paltry sum; but give us full said, By God, you still persist in
measure. Be charitable to us. your illusions! But when the
Truly, God rewards the bearer of the good news arrived
charitable. He said, Are you and cast the shirt on Jacobs
aware of what you did to Joseph face, his eyesight returned and
and his brother in ignorance? he said, Did I not tell you that I
They exclaimed, Are you know from God what you do not
indeed Joseph? He replied, I know? 97 They said, O our
am Joseph and this is my brother. father! Ask forgiveness for our
God has indeed been gracious to sinswe were truly in the
us. The truth is that God does not wrong. 98 He said, I shall
waste the reward of those who certainly ask my Lord to forgive
do good, who are righteous and you. Surely, He is the Most
steadfast. Forgiving and Merciful.
91 99
[The brothers] said, By Then, when they presented
God! Most certainly God has themselves before Joseph, he
raised you high above us, and we drew his parents to him and said,
have indeed been guilty! He Welcome to Egypt, in safety, if
said, No blame [shall fall] on God wills! 100 He helped his