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175 Joseph 12:33
husband] is my master and has ask forgiveness for your sin, for
treated me honourably. you have done wrong.
Wrongdoers certainly never 30 Women in the town began
prosper. 24 She started towards to gossip, The noblemans wife
him, and he would have is trying to seduce her slave!
succumbed to her, if he had not Love for him consumes her heart!
seen a sign from his LordWe Indeed! We see her in manifest
did this in order to keep evil and error. When she heard of their
indecency away from him, for he intrigues, she sent for them and
was truly one of Our chosen prepared a party for them. She
servants. gave a knife to each of them [to
25 They both ran to the door cut fruits, etc.] and then asked
and, in the struggle, she tore his Joseph to appear before them.
shirt at the back. They found her When the women saw him, they
husband at the door. She cried, were greatly amazed [at his
Shall not the man who wished beauty], and they cut their hands,
to violate your wife be thrown exclaiming, God preserve us!
into prison or sternly punished? This is no human being but a
26 32
Joseph said, It was she who noble angel! She said, This
sought to seduce me. One of her is he about whom you have been
household testified, If his shirt blaming me! And, indeed, I did
is torn at the front then she is try to make him yield to me, but
speaking the truth, and he is he was unyielding. Now,
lying. 27 But if it is torn from however, if he does not do as I
behind then she is lying, and he bid him, he shall certainly be put
speaks the truth. So when he in prison and be humiliated.
saw his shirt torn from behind 33 Joseph said, O my Lord! I
[her husband] said, This is the would prefer prison to what these
guile of you women. Your guile women are inviting me to do.
is great indeed. 29 Joseph, And if You do not avert their
overlook this: but you [wife], guile from me, I may yield to