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11:88                   Hud                      170
                                  your prayer tell you that we you say. In fact, we see that you
                                  should abandon what our are powerless among us.Were it
                                  forefathers worshipped and that not for your clan, we would have

                                  we should stop disposing of our stoned you,for you are not strong
                                  belongings as we please? You against us.’  92  He said, ‘My
                                  are indeed the only wise and people, is my tribe mightier to
                                  rightly-guided man!’       you than God? You put Him
                                      [Shu‘ayb] said, ‘O my behind you, turning your backs
                                  people! What do you think? If I on Him! Surely, my Lord
                                  have clear evidence from my encompasses all that you do.
                                  Lord, and He has sustained me  93  My people, do what you will
                                  with fair sustenance from and so shall I. You will certainly
                                  Himself [should I not guide come to know who will receive
                                  you?]. I have no desire to do, out a punishment to disgrace him,
                                  of opposition to you, what I am and who is a liar. Wait on; I shall
                                  asking you not to do. I only want wait on with you.’
                                  to reform you as far as I can. Nor  94 When Our command came,
                                  can I succeed without God’s We saved Shu‘ayb and those
                                  help. In Him I have put my trust who believed with him as a
                                  and to Him I turn.  O my people, mercy from Ourself, while the
                                  do not let your opposition to me blast overtook the wrongdoers,
                                  bring upon you a fate similar to so that they lay dead in their
                                  the peoples of Noah or Hud or homes,  95  as though they had
                                  Salih; nor is it long since the never dwelt therein. Oh, away
                                  people of Lot were punished! with the people of Midian, just
                                    Seek forgiveness of your Lord as happened with the Thamud!
                                  and turn to Him in repentance.  96 We sent forth Moses with
                                  For my Lord is indeed merciful Our signs and with manifest
                                  and loving.’               authority,  97  to Pharaoh and his
                                    91 They replied, ‘Shu‘ayb, we nobles. But they followed the
                                  do not understand much of what command of Pharaoh and the
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