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11:111 Hud 172
about it. 111 Your Lord will became guilty. 117 Your Lord
reward each one of them in full would never unjustly destroy
for their deeds. He is well-aware communities while their people
of all their actions. were trying to reform.
112 Therefore stand firm [in 118 If your Lord had wished,
the straight path] as you are He would have made mankind
commanded, along with those into one community. As it is,
who have turned to God with they will not cease to dispute,
you, and do not exceed the 119 and to this end He has created
bounds, for He sees everything them [all], except for those to
you do. 113 Do not incline toward whom your Lord has shown
those who do wrong, lest the mercy. The word of your Lord
Fire touch you. For [then] you shall be fulfilled, I will fill Hell
would have none to protect you with jinn and men all together.
from God, and you will not be 120 We have told you the stories
helped. 114 Say your prayers of the prophets to make your
morning and evening, and during heart firm and in these accounts
parts of the night; surely good truth has come to you, with an
makes amends for evil. This is a exhortation and a reminder for
reminder for people who pay the believers. 121 Say to those
heed. 115 Be steadfast; for surely, who do not believe, You do
God does not let the wages of the things in your way and we are
righteous be wasted. doing things in our way, 122 and
116 Why, then, were there not wait, we too are waiting. 123 The
among the generations before knowledge of the secret of the
you upright men who would heavens and the earth belongs to
speak out against the [spread of] God alone, and to Him shall all
corruption on earthexcept for affairs be referred. So worship
the few whom We saved? But Him and put your trust in Him
the wrongdoers pursued their alone. Your Lord is not unaware
worldly pleasures and thus of what you do.