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12:13                   Yusuf                    174
                                  after him.’  13  [Jacob] said, ‘It  19 And there came a caravan of
                                  would indeed grieve me if you travellers and they sent their
                                  took him away with you, and I water-drawer to draw water from
                                  fear lest the wolf should devour the well. He let down his bucket
                                  him while you are off your guard.’ into the well and he exclaimed,
                                    They said, ‘Surely, if the wolf ‘Oh, what a lucky find, here is a
                                  devoured him while we were a boy!’ They hid him like a piece
                                  strong party, we should indeed of merchandise, but God knew
                                  be great losers.’          well what they did.  Later they
                                    15  And so, when they went sold him for a paltry sum, a few
                                  away with him, they decided to pieces of silver [dirhams]: So
                                  cast him into the dark depths of little did they value him.
                                  a well. Then We revealed to him  21  The Egyptian who bought
                                  Our will, ‘You shall [one day] him said to his wife, ‘Lodge him
                                  tell them of this deed of theirs, honourably, he may prove of
                                  when they do not realize who benefit to us, or we may even
                                  you are.’  And at nightfall they adopt him as our son.’ Thus We
                                  came to their father, weeping. established Joseph in the land,
                                    They said, ‘Father, we went so that We might teach him the
                                  off racing and left Joseph with true meaning of events. God has
                                  our belongings, and the wolf power over all things. However,
                                  devoured him. But you will not most people do not know this.
                                  believe us, even though we are  22  And when he reached maturity,
                                  telling the truth.’  18  And they We bestowed on him right
                                  showed him their brother’s shirt, judgement and knowledge. Thus
                                  stained with false blood. ‘No!’ We reward those who do good.
                                  he cried. ‘Your souls have tempted  23  However, the woman in
                                  you to do something evil! But it is whose house he lived, wanted to
                                  best to be patient: God alone seduce him. One day she bolted
                                  can help me bear the loss you the doors and said, ‘Come!’ He
                                  speak of.’                 replied, ‘God forbid! Truly [your
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