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P. 194
169 Hud 11:87
people, 75 for Abraham was So depart with your family while
forbearing, tender-hearted and it is yet night and let none of you
oft-returning to God. We said, look back. But your wife will
Abraham, cease your pleading: suffer the fate that befalls the
the command of your Lord has others. Their appointed time is
gone forth. There shall fall upon the morning: is the morning not
them a punishment which none near? 82 When Our command
can avert! came, We turned that town upside
77 When Our messengers came down and We rained upon it
to Lot, he was uneasy on this stones of clay, layer upon layer,
account and felt powerless to 83 marked for them by the decree
protect them. He said, This is a of your Lord. The punishment of
dreadful day. His people, who the unjust was not far off.
were used to committing foul 84 To the people of Midian, We
deeds, came running to him. He sent their brother Shuayb. He
said, My people, here are my said, My people, worship God.
daughters. They are purer for You have no deity other than
you, [if you marry] so have some Him. Do not give short measure
fear of God and do not disgrace and short weight. I see you are
me before my guests. Is there not prospering. I fear for you the
a single right-minded man among punishment of a fateful Day.
you? They replied, You know 85 O my people, [always] give
we have no need of your full measure and weight, in all
daughters. You know very well fairness and do not defraud
what we are seeking. people by making short delivery,
He said, If only I had the and do not spread corruption in
strength to stop you or could the land. 86 What God leaves
take refuge in some powerful with you is the best for you, if
support! They said, Lot, we you are believers. I have not
are your Lords messengers. By been appointed as your keeper.
no means shall they reach you! 87 They said, Shuayb, does