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P. 190
165 Hud 11:41
I have knowledge of the unseen, who already believe; do not
or that I am an angel. Nor do I grieve, therefore, over what they
say concerning those upon have been doing. 37 Build the
whom you look with contempt, Ark under Our eyes and in
that God will not bestow any accordance with Our revelation.
good upon themGod knows Do not plead with Me concerning
best what is in their hearts. If I the evil-doers. They shall
did, I would certainly be one of certainly be drowned. 38 So he
the wrongdoers. began to build the Ark, and
32 Noah, they replied, you whenever leaders of his people
have argued with us, and argued passed by, they scoffed at him.
to excess. Now bring down upon He said, If you are scoffing at
us what you threaten us with, if us, we shall scoff at you [and
you speak the truth!? He said, your ignorance], just as you scoff
It is God who will bring it down at us: 39 you will soon come to
upon you, if He wishes, and you know who will receive a
will not be able to escape. My humiliating punishment, and find
advice will not benefit you, no unleashed against him an
matter how sincerely I want to everlasting punishment.
advise you, if God lets you go 40 When Our command came,
astray. He is your Lord and you and water gushed forth in
will all return to Him. torrents, We said to Noah, Take
35 If they say, He has invented into the Ark a pair from every
it himself, say to them, If I have species, and your own family
indeed invented this myself, then except those on whom the
may I be punished for my sin; I sentence has already been passed,
am innocent of the crimes that and all the true believers. But
you commit. only a few believed along with
36 41
Gods will was revealed to him. Noah said, Embark on
Noah, No more of your people it. In the name of God, be its
will believe in you than those sailing and its anchoring. Truly,