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P. 185

10:88                   Yunus                    160
                                    88 Moses prayed, ‘Our Lord, people are indeed heedless of
                                  You have bestowed upon Our signs.’
                                  Pharaoh and his nobles pomp  93 We settled the Children of
                                  and wealth in the present life, Israel in a blessed land, and We
                                  whereby they lead people astray provided them with good things.
                                  from Your path. Our Lord, And it was not until knowledge
                                  destroy their riches and harden [of God’s revelation] was granted
                                  their hearts, so that they shall not to them that they began to hold
                                  believe until they are faced with divergent views. Your Lord will
                                  grievous punishment.’      judge between them on the Day
                                    89 God said, ‘Your prayer is of Resurrection concerning that
                                  granted, so continue, then, both in which they differed.
                                  of you, steadfastly on the right  94  If you are in any doubt
                                  path, and do not follow the path concerning what We have sent
                                  of those who have no knowledge.’ down to you, then question those
                                      So We brought the Children who have read the Book before
                                  of Israel across the sea. Pharaoh you: the Truth has come to you
                                  and his troops pursued them from your Lord, so do not be one
                                  arrogantly and aggressively. of the doubters— do not be one
                                  When he was about to drown, who rejects God’s signs, for then
                                  [Pharaoh] exclaimed, ‘I believe you would become one of the
                                  that there is no deity save Him in losers.
                                  whom the Children of Israel  96 Those against whom your
                                  believe, and I am of those who Lord’s word has been confirmed
                                  surrender themselves to Him!’ will never believe;  not even if
                                    ‘Only now? When you had every Sign were to come to
                                  always been a rebel, and a them—until they see the painful
                                  wrongdoer.  92  So We shall save punishment.  98  Why was there
                                  your body this day, so that you no other people, save the people
                                  may serve as a sign for those of Jonah, who should have
                                  who come after you: for many believed so that their belief
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