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163                     Hud                    11:20
                                  ungrateful.  10  And if, after their deeds—nothing shall be
                                  adversity, We let him taste good denied them.  16  These are the
                                  fortune he says, ‘All my ills are people who, in the world to
                                  gone.’ He becomes exultant and come, shall have nothing but
                                  boastful.  Not so those who are Hellfire and all that they used to
                                  patient and do good deeds. They do shall be in vain.
                                  shall have forgiveness and a great  17 Can they be compared to
                                  reward.                    those who possess a clear proof
                                    12  You  may  [feel  the from their Lord, followed up by
                                  inclination] to leave aside a part a witness from Him, preceded by
                                  of what is revealed to you and the Book of Moses, as a guide
                                  you may be distressed because and a mercy? These people
                                  they say, ‘Why has no treasure believe in it; whereas those
                                  been sent down to him, why has groups that deny its truth are
                                  no angel come with him?’ But promised the Fire. Therefore,
                                  you are only to give warning. have no doubt about it. It is the
                                  God is the guardian of all things. truth from your Lord, but most
                                    If they say, ‘He has invented it people do not believe it.
                                  himself.’ Say, ‘If you are truthful,  18 Who does greater wrong
                                  produce ten invented chapters than the one who fabricates a lie
                                  like it, and call on whom you can against God? Such people shall
                                  besides God, to help you.’  But be brought before their Lord,
                                  if they do not respond to you, and the witnesses will say, ‘These
                                  then know that this [Quran] is are the ones who lied about their
                                  sent down with God’s knowledge Lord.’ Surely God’s rejection is
                                  and that there is no deity but merited by such wrongdoers.
                                  Him. Will you then surrender  19  Such as those who turn others
                                  yourselves to Him?         away from the path of God and
                                      Those who desire the life of seek to make it appear crooked:
                                  this world and all its finery shall these are the ones who deny the
                                  be repaid in full in this life for Hereafter.  20  They can never
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