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P. 180
155 Jonah 10:38
those who ascribed partners to 34 Ask then, Can any of your
God, Keep to your places, you partner-gods originate creation,
and your partners! Then We shall and then reproduce it? Say, It is
separate them from one another God who originates creation and
and their partner-gods will say, It then restores it: how then are you
was not us that you worshipped. so misled? Say, Does any of
God suffices as a witness your partner-gods guide one to
between us and you. We were the Truth? Say, It is God who
entirely unaware that you guides to the truth. Then, is He
worshipped us. 30 Then every who guides to the truth more
soul shall realize what it has worthy to be followed or one
done. They shall be returned to who cannot find the way himself
God, their true Master, and unless he be guided? What is the
anything they had invented will matter with you? How ill you
forsake them. judge! 36 Most of them follow
Say, Who provides [suste- nothing but mere conjecture. But
nance] for you from heaven and conjecture is of no use against
earth? Who is it who controls the the Truth. God is well aware of
ears and the eyes? Who brings what they do.
forth the living from the dead, 37 This Quran is not such as
and the dead from the living? could have been produced by
And who governs all affairs? anyone but God. It fulfills that
They will say, God. Then say, [the predictions] which came
Will you not then fear Him? before it and gives a fuller
That is God, your true Lord. explanation of the [earlier]
What is there, besides the truth, Revelations. There is no doubt
but error? How then can you turn about it: it is from the Lord of the
away? Thus the Word of your Universe. Do they say, He has
Lord is proved true against those fabricated it? Say, Bring me
who are disobedient. They will one chapter like it. Call on whom
not believe. you may besides God to help