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9:118                 Al-Tawbah                  150
                                  the helpers who followed him in any loss upon the enemy, it shall
                                  the hour of hardship. After the be counted as a good deed in the
                                  hearts of a group of them had sight of God—God will not deny
                                  almost faltered, He turned the righteous their reward—
                                  towards them, for He was   121 and whenever they spend
                                  compassionate and merciful anything [for the sake of God],
                                  towards them.  118  He has turned be it little or much, and whenever
                                  with mercy to the three whose they traverse the land [in God’s
                                  case was deferred, when the cause]—it is recorded to their
                                  earth, for all its spaciousness, credit, and God will grant them
                                  closed in upon them, and their the best reward for all that they
                                  own souls seemed straitened to have been doing.
                                  them and they realised that there  122  It is not right that all the
                                  was no refuge from God except believers should go out [in time
                                  in Him. He turned to them so of war] all together. Why, then,
                                  that they might turn to Him. God does not a party from every
                                  is the Ever Forgiving, the Most group come to [the Prophet] in
                                  Merciful.                  order to acquire a deeper
                                       Believers, fear God and knowledge of religion and to
                                  stand with the truthful.  120  It was  warn their people, so that they
                                  not proper for the people of can guard themselves against
                                  Madinah and those desert Arabs  evil?
                                  around them to hold back from  123  Believers! Fight against
                                  following God’s Messenger, and  those deniers of the truth who
                                  to prefer their own lives to his  are near you.   Deal firmly with
                                  life. This is because whenever  them. Know that God is
                                  they suffer from thirst or  with those who fear Him.
                                  weariness or hunger for God’s  124  Whenever a chapter is sent
                                  cause, and whenever they take
                                  any step which provokes those  a  See pages xiv to xvii of the
                                  who deny the truth, or inflicts  Introduction.
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