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9:83                  Al-Tawbah                  146
                                  little and weep much in return [at home]: their hearts are sealed
                                  for their misdeeds.  83  So and so they do not understand.
                                  [Prophet], if God brings you  88  But the Messenger and those
                                  back to a group of them, and who shared his faith strove hard
                                  should they ask your leave to go with their possessions and their
                                  forth with you, say, ‘You shall lives. It is they who shall have all
                                  never go forth with me and shall kinds of good, and it is they who
                                  never fight an enemy with me. shall surely prosper.  God has
                                  You chose to sit at home the first prepared for them Gardens
                                  time, so sit now with those who through which rivers flow, in
                                  remain behind.’  And never [O which they shall abide forever.
                                  Muhammad] pray for one of That is the supreme triumph.
                                  them who dies, nor stand by his  90 Some of the desert Arabs,
                                  grave. For they denied God and too, came to make excuses,
                                  His Messenger, and died asking to be granted exemption.
                                  rebellious.                Those who lied to God and His
                                    85 Do not let their wealth and Messenger stayed behind at
                                  their children dazzle you. God home. Those who denied the
                                  only wants to punish them truth among them will be
                                  through these things in this afflicted  with  a  painful
                                  world, and let their souls depart chastisement,  91  but no blame
                                  while they deny the truth. shall attach to the weak, the sick,
                                  86  When a chapter is revealed and those who have no means to
                                  enjoining, ‘Believe in God and spend, provided they are sincere
                                  strive for the cause of God along to God and His Messenger. There
                                  with His Messenger,’ the wealthy is no reason to reproach those
                                  among them ask you to exempt who do good deeds; God is most
                                  them saying, ‘Let us stay with forgiving and merciful.  92  Nor
                                  those who are to stay behind.’ [does any blame] attach to those
                                  87  They preferred to be with [the who came to you to be provided
                                  women], who remained behind with mounts, and when you said,
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