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9:47 Al-Tawbah 142
wished to go forth, they would beforehand! They turn away
surely have made some rejoicing. 51 Say, Nothing can
preparation for it, but God befall us, except what God has
disliked their setting out [and ordained for us. He is our
being raised high in Gods eyes] Supreme Lord. In God let the
and held them back. They were faithful put their trust. 52 Say,
told to stay behind with those Are you waiting for anything to
who stay behind. befall us except one of the two
47 Had they gone forth with best things [Victory in this world
you, they would only have proved or Paradise in the next]? But we
a source of evil for you, and expect that God will send His
would have run back and forth punishment to you either directly
among you, seeking to sow from Himself, or by our hands.
discord among you: and among So wait, if you will; we too, are
you there were some who would waiting with you.
have willingly listened to them. 53 Say, Whether you give
God knows the evil-doers. willingly or unwillingly, your
48 They have already tried to sow offerings shall not be accepted
dissension, and hatched plots by God, for you are indeed a
against you, until the truth disobedient people. The only
became manifest and Gods will reason their contributions are
prevailed, much to their disgust. not accepted is that they have
49 Some of them say, Give us denied God and His Messenger,
leave to stay behind and do not they come to the prayer half
put us to trial. Surely, they have heartedly, and they offer
already fallen into trial. Surely, contributions unwillingly. Do
Hell shall engulf those who deny not let their wealth and children
the truth. If good befalls you, impress you. For God seeks to
it grieves them, but if a punish them through these things
misfortune befalls you, they say, in the life of this world, so that
We took our precautions their souls shall depart while