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9:31 Al-Tawbah 140
by those who deny the truth. a painful punishment: 35 on the
May God destroy them! How far Day their treasure is heated up in
astray they have been led! the fire of hell, their foreheads
31 They have taken their and their sides and their backs
learned men and their monks for shall be branded with it, and they
their lords besides God. So have will be told, This is what you
they taken the Messiah, son of hoarded up for yourselves. Taste
Mary, although they were then what you were hoarding.
commanded to worship only the 36 On the Day God created
One God. There is no deity but heaven and earth, He decreed
He. He is far above whatever that the number of months should
they set up as His partners! be twelve in number. Out of
32 They want to extinguish these, four are sacred. That is the
Gods light with their mouths, true religion. Do not wrong your
but God seeks only to perfect souls in these months. Fight the
His light, no matter how those polytheists all together, as they
who deny the truth may abhor it. fight you all together, and know
It is He who has sent His that God is with the righteous.
Messenger with guidance and 37 The postponing of [sacred
the religion of Truth, so that He months] is but one more instance
may make it prevail of [their] refusal to acknowledge
[ideologically] over every other the truthby which those who
religion, however much the are bent on denying the truth are
polytheists may hate this. led astray. They declare this to be
Believers, many religious permissible in one year and
scholars and monks wrongfully forbidden in another year, so
appropriate peoples possessions that they may adjust the months
and turn people away from Gods which God has sanctified, thus
path! Tell those who hoard gold making lawful what God has
and silver instead of giving in a See pages xiv to xvii of the
Gods cause that they will have Introduction.