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9:67 Al-Tawbah 144
no excuses; you rejected the faith shall be the losers. Have they
after you accepted it. If We never heard the stories about
pardon some of you, We will their predecessors, the peoples
punish others amongst you, for of Noah, Ad, Thamud,
they are guilty. Abraham, Midian, and of the
The hypocrites, both men ruined cities? Their messengers
and women, are all alike. They brought them clear evidence of
enjoin what is evil, forbid what the truth. It was not God who
is right and they are niggardly wronged them; they wronged
when it comes to spending for themselves.
the cause of God. They have 71 The believers, both men and
forgotten God, so He has women, are friends to each other;
forgotten them. The hypocrites they enjoin what is good and
are the disobedient ones. God forbid evil, they attend to their
has promised the hypocrites, both prayers and pay the alms and
men and women, and those who obey God and His Messenger.
deny the truth, the Fire of Hell. On these God will have mercy,
They shall abide in it forever. for God is almighty and wise.
That is a sufficient recompense 72 God has promised the
for them. God has rejected them. believers, both men and women,
They shall have everlasting Gardens through which rivers
punishment. Like those before flow, wherein they will abide,
you who were stronger than you, and fine dwelling places in
possessed more wealth and Gardens of eternity. But the good
children; they enjoyed their share pleasure of God is greater still.
in this life as you have enjoyed That is the supreme achievement.
yours; like them, you have 73 O Prophet, strive against
indulged in idle talk. It is they those who deny the truth and the
whose works shall come to hypocrites, and be firm against
nothing in this world and in the them. Their abode shall be Hell:
life to comeand it is they who an evil destination. They swear