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139 Repentance 9:30
23 Believers, do not take your truthfor such is the recompense
fathers and your brothers for of all who deny the truth then
allies if they choose denial of after that, God will turn in His
truth in preference to faith. Those mercy to whom He wills: God is
among you who ally themselves forgiving and merciful.
with them are wrongdoers. 28 Believers, know that the
24 a
Say, If your fathers and your polytheists are impure, so they
sons and your brothers and your should not approach the Sacred
spouses and your tribe, and the Mosque after this year onwards.
worldly goods which you have If you should fear destitution,
acquired, and the commerce God will enrich you out of His
which you fear will decline, and bounty, if He so wishes. God is
the homes you love are dearer to aware and wise.
you than God and His Messenger 29 Fight those from among the
and the struggle for His cause, People of the Book who believe
then wait until God fulfills His neither in God, nor in the Last
decree. God does not guide the Day, nor hold as unlawful what
disobedient people. God and His Messenger have
25 Indeed, God has helped you declared to be unlawful, nor
on many occasions. On the day follow the true religion, until
of Hunayn, when you took pride they pay the tax willingly and
in your great numbers, they agree to submit. The [ancient]
proved of no avail to youfor Jews [used to] say, Ezra is the
the earth, despite all its vastness, son of God, and the Christians
became [too] narrow for you and say, The Messiah is the son of
you turned back, in retreat. God God. These are but their baseless
caused His tranquillity to descend utterances. They imitate the
upon His Messenger and the assertions made in earlier times
faithful: and sent down forces
which you did not see: He a The word impure (najas) connotes
punished those who denied the spiritual, not physical impurity.